Long time, no blog, eh? So what has happened since my last posting? I have rarely ridden the bike (surprise), had a car accident, didn't get hurt AND got to buy a new car, continued living in Muncie, kept trekking along trying to prove my worthiness as America's Next Top Mortician, and bought a ticket to New York City leaving this Saturday. I don't think I've left anything important out. But what is important, really?
Remember that salsa commerical from the early 90'--I think it was for Pace Picante--where there is a western scene and some guy is eating salsa made in Neeeeeeeeeeeeeew York City? I wish I remembered the commercial better so that I could descibe it more accurately, as I fear I'm not making any sense. Was it even salsa? Was it the 90's? Were there two cowboys making love in the background? Am I really an emotionally unstable hot mess that no one will ever be able to love? Was the southwest salsa really any better?