Sunday, May 22, 2011

the chiils that you spill up by back leave me filled with satisfaction

It's really exciting learning how to do new things when you buy a home. I've fixed a toilet, replaced a shower head, caulked, trimmed bushes (badly, really badly), and possibly other new things. The money really adds up quickly though. Today, I ordered a new bed and mattress. I've been wanting a new one for years, and now that I have a guest room, I had an excuse. Now I can put my old bed in there and make guests sleep as uncomfortably as I have been sleeping for years. There's still so much to do and it's hard to try to pace myself. I want everything fixed now, but obviously can't afford to fix everything at once. Painting will have to happen soon. I was going to take pictures today, but my camera was dead and by the time I found the charger, it was dark and I didn't feel like it anymore. I will soon. Just no pics of the bushes.

Friday, May 06, 2011

when we're older and full of cancer... it doesn't matter now, come on get happy. nothing lasts forever.

I closed on my condo today! It's such a relief to be finished with the whole process and just be able to look forward to making payments through June of 2041.

Back to packing.

How do you do?

How do you do?