Monday, September 25, 2006

we all live in mono

So an old friend came to town this past weekend. We had gotten into a big fight a few years ago and had barely spoken since then. I come off looking a little bad in the story so I won't get into it. But it was good and weird to reconnect. I'm normally a person who cuts other people out of my life just because I'm a bitch, so it was refreshing to let someone back in. Anyway, it was a nice weekend.

And that's how you tell a story, people.

Friday, September 15, 2006

this is what you get when you mess with us

Being a non-traditional student is so much different that when I went to college right out of high school. I get so angry at the 18-year-olds and their self-centered rudeness. I hope I didn't come off that way at 18. Though I did use to fall asleep in class sometimes (not on purpose though) and I guess that was pretty bad. A guy in my math class yesterday actually just put his head down and went to sleep before class even started and then left half-way through. Why even come? No one forces you to go to class. And when he's awake, he's openly assholic to the professor. And yes, it's a 3-hour math class and it's hard to get through it, but every single week, it's only we 5 old folks still in class at the end. Every week. Irritating. I can't wait to get my hands on a cadaver.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

colonel sanders says it best: "finger lickin' good"

With tomorrow being the 5-year anniversary of September 11th, I guess now would be as good a time as any to debate whether Peyton Manning is hot or not, and why.

So as not to bias this otherwise-scientific survey, and to uphold my jounalistic-ish integrity, I will keep my opinion to myself. I think it's better that way.

(I apologize for the change in fonts for this post. I'm trying to find a signature style to keep you both coming back for more.)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

i crossed an ocean for a heart of gold

It just took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to log back in here to post again, so I hope it is worth it to probably the only two people who will read this (shout out to c+c, and no, not the music factory featuring martha wash on vocals--you may also have unconsciously recognized that voice as the singer from "it's raining men" fyi).

anyhow, I just had a nice dinner/dessert of chopped up bananas with chocolate syrup and crushed cookies. I'm out of ice cream or it might have been good. I'm searching my head for a better story to tell but I can't think of one. I also had some one percent milk. And then I looked for my Marilyn Manson CD but I can't find it for some reason. Have you seen it? It was shiny on one side and had some freaky picture on the other side. It was in my car but I've been looking in there for several days now because I wanted to listen to Disposable Teens (and they truly are, all of them) and apparently I didn't bring it inside. I didn't think I had, but since it wasn't in the car, where else could it have been? Apparently somewhere else altogether.

I really think I have a fresh new perspective to add to the blogging world.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

i made it through the wilderness

I've finally joined the cutting edge world of blogging. What has taken me so long...? Lack of anything to say? Of course not. Fear that not one person in the whole world would ever read anything I say? Wrong again. Wondering if it required a sense of self-importance to think anyone would visit and keep up with me? Still no. Stay tuned for the real answer!!!

(Hint: It may be "all of the above.")

How do you do?

How do you do?