Wednesday, January 06, 2010

she don't eat meat but she sure like the bone

I think it's time I came out of the closet. As a vegetarian, this time. It's been nearly two weeks since I went whole-hog (forgive the expression; couldn't help myself) cutting out meat and gelatin and products derived from cooking meat. I have been considering it for years but always talked myself out of it. I don't like mushrooms. I don't like fresh tomatoes. Or avacadoes, or cucumbers, or lots of other things popular in vegetarian dishes, so I always said I'd never be able to do it. But I'm totally excited about it. I just feel so much more conscious. Aside from not eating meat, I am reading the labels on food and actually paying attention to what I put in my body. Yeah, there's still junk food, but I've added so many more healthy foods to my diet. When was the last time I thought about protein or vitamins before I made this transition? I feel great.

I turned to some websites about vegetarianism to try to get some pointers and was completely turned off by how judgemental they were. I feel like this has been a very personal decision for myself, so being all self-righteous about it seems ridiculous. I'm still eating dairy and eggs, so I'm still contributing to some of the problems I see, but I've taken a huge step for myself tha tI feel really good about. So much of my eating habits have been so reckless, from emotional eating to emotional starvation to just constant eating. I finally feel like I have some control.


Christoph said...

I got Christina the Moosewood Cookbook and will let you know if it holds up to its reputation. Still disappointed you turned you back on meat though. It's because you hate me as German and my culture, isn't it?

Ginger Ammon said...

How's it been going, Joey? I have to admit, since I stopped eating meat, I have given myself the go-ahead to eat everything else in quantities heretofore only theoretically possible for a human to consume. Needless to say, Ginger's getting pleasantly plump. Oh well, at least I can be less guilty while I do it. :)

How do you do?

How do you do?