Friday, September 15, 2006

this is what you get when you mess with us

Being a non-traditional student is so much different that when I went to college right out of high school. I get so angry at the 18-year-olds and their self-centered rudeness. I hope I didn't come off that way at 18. Though I did use to fall asleep in class sometimes (not on purpose though) and I guess that was pretty bad. A guy in my math class yesterday actually just put his head down and went to sleep before class even started and then left half-way through. Why even come? No one forces you to go to class. And when he's awake, he's openly assholic to the professor. And yes, it's a 3-hour math class and it's hard to get through it, but every single week, it's only we 5 old folks still in class at the end. Every week. Irritating. I can't wait to get my hands on a cadaver.


Anonymous said...

I'm almost afraid to go back for this very reason.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying you fell asleep during beauty school math when you were 18? Before you dropped out?

Formerly Doughy Joey said...

I think they should have beauty school math. Here's a word problem: Gretchen has had six perms and three color treatments in the last 3 months. Calculate how much social damage she has done to herself.

How do you do?

How do you do?