Wednesday, May 14, 2008

they always said that sex would change you

Personally, I like to hold things over people's heads. So when I see an opportunity, I go for it. Forgive me for being cryptic, but while I like to hold things over said heads, I don't like to be too obvious or intentionally embarrass anyone. That said, I'd just finished chatting with someone last night who asked me to go read his blog, and I started reading, and the blog started out on how the entry was inspired by chatting with someone. I thought, oh, I've inspired another person. How sweet! But then I continued to read, and clearly, I was not the inspiration. I hadn't had this conversation about dropsy, nor any other antiquated disease names or states of disease. Was I crushed? No. Was I surprise? No. Did I see an opportunity? Fuck yeah.

I'm going to leave things there for now. You know who you are. :-)

1 comment:

Ginger Ammon said...

Hi Joey, it's Ginger... can you email me when you get a chance?

Also, are you on Facebook? :-D

How do you do?

How do you do?