Thursday, December 11, 2008

i wanna go to heaven for the weather and hell for the company

I overslept this morning, and it just got worse from there. I didn't oversleep so much that I was late to work, but just enough to put that pit in your stomach that makes you feel rushed and uneasy all day.

So I moved to Muncie six weeks ago after accepting a job that I had wanted to do for years, that I cut off my life two years ago to go back to school to be able to do and put myself in a heap more debt to be able to do, and I enjoy the job (most days--though today was not one of them.) But when I moved here, I gave up a lot of the things and people I love, and today that feels really bad. Hopefully tomorrow it will feel more acceptable. I'm just having a bad day.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are having a bad day. I've been thinking about you lately...we should talk soon.

Ginger Ammon said...

I listen to "Sittin on the dock of the bay" when I feel like that. It helps me wallow.

asdf said...

Joey, you're funny! Not this post in particular, but this is the first time I've read your blog and your old posts are funny.

How do you do?

How do you do?