Saturday, March 27, 2010

god made me a cannibal to fix problems like you

A couple days ago at work, I was having a discussion about the ethics of a situation, and a co-worker made a statement about how it was strange (I think strange was the word he used) that I (of all people) would want to talk about ethics. You know, the gay atheist on staff (or gaytheist, as I now refer to myself). I assume his insinuation dealt more with the atheism, but I'm not really sure: they're not much different to a lot of people. As if a person needs a god watching over them demanding that they do the right thing lest they be punished to know right from wrong. I do the right thing because it's the right thing, because it's what should be done, because it's how I want to be treated. But I forget sometimes that I am constantly being judged and questioned no matter how ethically I behave.

I took the high road after his comment and didn't reply. I normally am quite vocal in my responses to such things anymore, and frankly, I HATE the high road (the low road makes my tummy slightly queasy in a good way that I like). But in taking the high road, I was judging him for his small-mindedness, so I was really on the normal road. And I'm fine with that.


Ginger Ammon said...

I spend a good portion of my life on the silent high road because most people are too stupid to understand reason. Why waste your breath, you know?

Ginger Ammon said...

Please start posting again, your blog is one of the few I keep checking and hoping for updates.

How do you do?

How do you do?