Sunday, November 07, 2010

clearly i remember picking on the boy. seemed a harmless little fuck.

Committed relationships are only good for financial purposes, I think. And then, only in the case of multiple incomes. Otherwise, I'm not sure I get the draw of it all. Sure, it would be nice to have an activity companion sometimes, but often it's exciting to live more spontaneously. Do I want to always be a "Joey and Whoever"? Of course it's nice to feel loved by someone. But it's also nice to not have to compromise.

I ate unfrosted shredded wheat with Hershey's syrup for dinner and I didn't have to explain why to anyone. It tasted damn good. Was it as nice as cuddling on the couch watching a good movie with someone who loves me? Perhaps not. But was it better than cuddling on the couch with someone who I'm not sure still feels the same passion for me as he used to? Definately.


Christoph said...

Is chocolate syrup vegan?

Ginger Ammon said...

Check out the condiments section on this page and you'll have your answer:


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