Tuesday, March 22, 2011

i've crawled on glass to grasp at straws, studdering, staggering through

When last we blogged together, I was considering a condo purchase. Now, I have a signed purchase agreement. The realtor sent me a few places, but I didn't really like any of them, so I found some on my own. And now I'm buying one, which should be simple enough. Find one. Get a mortgage. Sign some papers. Move in. Wait to die.

It's not so simple though. Realtors should give you anti-ulcer pills.

Can I really afford this? Is this the right place? Can I do this on my own? Why am I 31 years old and no one has ever even briefly considered living with me, let alone spending the rest of their life with me? What if I lose my job? What if I go to the hospital and I don't have medical insurance and I am suddenly piss broke? Do people really believe in Jesus rose from the dead? Can I find someone to take over my apartment lease?

I won't go on. I'm getting worked up again.


Ginger Ammon said...

You know I'm coming to Indy in June, right? I totally want to see your new place.

As for the stress, think of it this way - the worst that can happen is that you die, and then you're dead, so who cares?

Christina said...

Ginger has a point. Don't sweat the small stuff. It will all work out or it won't. There are plenty of people who have filed bankruptcy and they are usually doing better than we are. Go figure!

Annabel said...

I have never lived with an "adult" that didn't make me regret it. Pets are better company, but they refuse to help pay the bills. Loafers &free-loaders, all.

Joey said...

My first Annabel comment!

Ginger, I can't wait to see you! How long will you be here for?

I'm feeling much calmer today about it. My inspection is on Tuesday, so I think it will seem more real after that is done.

Christoph said...

Think about it this way: Right now you live in an apartment and pay rent. If you buy a place and for some reason you have to sell it again or can't make the payments, you're right back to paying rent. Maybe some headache along the way, but really, there isn't that much to lose.

How do you do?

How do you do?