Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Him and his men, come in the club like hooligans, don't care who they offend, poppin' game like you got yen

I saw a sign in a store window today advertisting "MANCAVE TOYS." Surely I'm not the only one who thinks "mancave" sounds like something a closeted fratboy would call his rectum to a potential online suitor.

So the Super Bowl is in Indianapolis this weekend. I went downtown last weekend to check out everything that was going on. It's really cool to see all that activity and life here. But at the same time, it's really annoying when someone gets in my way when I'm trying to walk down the sidewalk. I know you all want to stop and look around, but move to the side out of the way. Otherwise, I don't care if you're a 60-year-old grandma--I will tell you to get out of the way. Am I wrong in this? I don't care that you want to discuss where you and Lucille might be able to get a table at a restaurant. Please move out of the way. Your table is not waiting for you in the middle of a very busy sidewalk.

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