Tuesday, May 15, 2007

on the surface simplicity

Could everyone who reads this please make me one promise: see Bjork live. Whether you like her or not. I realize she doesn't tour very often, so even if you have to go to Iceland and knock on her door and hand her a check and ask her to sing a little ditty for you, do so. Of course, I completely adore her, so you may not care about my opinion. But just listen to this objective bystander: "Bjork is amazing. Long live Bjork." See. I told you.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time at the concert! Who are you going to see next?

Formerly Doughy Joey said...

Unfortunately no future events planned. Stevie Nicks was a possibility, but I refuse to feed her ego by paying what she's asking for herself, plus what I would have to pay a ticket broker for seats that are good enough for me.

How do you do?

How do you do?