Sunday, May 27, 2007

one two three four tell me that you love me more

A mouring dove hatched a couple of eggs on my balcony and the babies flew away today. (I'm not being metaphorical. It's actually just a statement.)

My sister is getting married in a few days. I never understood why people cry at weddings, but I tear up when I think about it. My sister is obviously the person I've spent the most time with in my life. We were always close, and even though we have been talking more lately than we have in a few years, it just seems like some sort of loss to know she's going to be married. Married people are different. She won't have the same last name anymore. She'll be part of her own newly-defined family. Once you're married, your family is another set of people. You get older, you have kids, you start to call your family the people who live under your roof. Except I get older, and I am more alone all the time. I'll never have that "family." I'm a sad, weird, slightly-pathetic introvert who can't even say any of this stuff out loud. My favorite friend is half-way across the world and just got engaged. The best friend I have in the city doesn't need me nearly as much as I need him. And I try to make new friends or date and most of the time can't figure out exactly which category someone is trying to fit me into, though usually it is neither. And the worst part is that I don't blame them. So welcome to the pity party-boat. Get off while you still can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sad to read you feel down, but I'm super-psyched you consider me your favorite friend. I had no idea.

How do you do?

How do you do?